Each State designated within an international trademark may notify the WIPO Central Office, within 12 or 18 months from the notification of the international registration, of a rejection to register the trademark in the territory thereof on the grounds of non-compliance with national law or on the grounds of existence of prior third-party rights.

Following the issuance of a temporary rejection, the proprietor of the international trademark has the right to reply in order to overcome the grounds which led to the rejection in that State.

In order to overcome any objections raised by the examiners of the individual national Offices, we rely on a network of highly professional agents who represent the client before the national offices.

We assess the grounds of rejection synergistically with our agents based abroad with whom we have been collaborating for long, so as to prepare the response, taking into account local legislation and case-law. We boast of a brilliant success rate in overcoming the objections raised and obtaining trademark registration.